Monday, October 29, 2007

Visit to Benchmark mastering

Last week we took a couple of tracks by the kids of Kirinari to be mastered at Australias legendary Benchmark mastering.
Run be the equally legendary Don Bartley who has worked on more hit records than you've hot dinners.
Reece Tunbridge did a great job of explaining the process to the eager students.
It's a bit of a black art.

I liken it to a kiss and a cuddle before you send your work out into the world.
Benchmark use Apogee convertors to convert the digital signal back to analog so the process is all analog.
They have heaps of tasty gear to make your mixes sound loud and clear and good on the radio.
The results were mixed mostly because my mixes were a little flawed. Tamborine too loud. Big doof too loud not enough drums.
Kindly Reece offered to do it again if I remix which I will as soon as i get a chance.
Thank you Bench mark.
Thankyou Reece.